Hello Koushik
Thank you for your questions
1. Yes LLAMA2 can be used for commercial purposes (unless the user base reaches around millions)
2. If we deploy LLAMA2 70B in an AWS g5.48xlarge, the hourly running cost is $23.62 or monthly $17244. (The numbers are obtained from https://betterprogramming.pub/you-dont-need-hosted-llms-do-you-1160b2520526)
The article has a very good comparison between openAI and self hosted LLM
3. Yes LLAMA2 can be trained using the auto train-advanced package from HuggingFace. (Here is a tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LslC2nKEEGU)
For more info, you can connect with me on https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashhadul-islam-b508581a/